Our Board of Directors

Víctor Miró
Managing Director Royal Diamond
Born in Barcelona in 1978, son of a buinses family with a large industrial experience. His professional career is more than 20 years dedicated to the family Company what has allowed him to grow personally and professionally in Financial, Commercial and Mangement areas.
In 2018, after acquiring a great experience as responsable in different departements, Victor Miro is elected to lead the General and Commercial Mangement of the Company.
He has the Busines Adminstration degree in Pompeu Fabra University and PDG in IESE Business School as most outstanding degrees.
Personally defines himself as a passionate about Sport, Nature and above all about his children that is the vital key to any personal and professional goal.

Andreu Miró
Born in Barcelona in 1965, married and he has two children.
In 1968 joined to Royal Diamond after finishing his studies of Auxiliar Technical and Chemical. He was very fortunate having a great mentor , his father Mr. Andreu Miro Esqué with whom worked together many years til his retirement. Since 2010 is leading Royal Diamond MEXICO introducing and consolidating Royal Diamond Brand in the Mexican market and LATAM market.
He is one of the people with more know-how in Royal Diamond about Products to recomend, assist and solve to requirements from Clients.
He is passionate to any challenge and work hard to reach it with no stop. He defines his work as a hobbie for him.
He likes motorbikes, hunting, skiing, underwater fishing, classic rally, 4×4 routes and contemplating animals. He also loves good food, good company and defines his life philosophy as trying to be happy with who you are and with what you have.

Enric Miró
Enric is degree in Turism in Girona University, married and he has two children.
He started in Royal Diamond after 8 years working in Tourism. This large experience was profitable to assume Purchasing Management in 2009 til 2017. Since 2017 is Sales Manager in Catalunya and Aragon market.
He defines himself as responsable and polite person and talkative essential values for his job.
His hobbies are football, paddle tennis, cinema and travelling

Harald Schmutte
Born in Germany in 1969 is married and he has two children.
He has Business Degree in Koblenz University (Germany). Harald has a large experience more than17 years managing different Unit Business and more than 10 years in Operations.
Harald joined in Royal Diamond in 2016 as Purchasing Manager participating in several improving changes and optimizing the Deparment. In 2019 is elected to manage some key accounts thanks to his high capacity of management.
He outstands his hobbies of paddle tennis, football and motorbikes. He loves DIY and spending his time time with family.

Miquel Alamany
Born in 1973 in Sabadell (Barcelona), father of two.
He has an Industrial Engineering Degree in ‘Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya’ (UPC) and in Business Administration in ‘Universitat Pompeu Fabra’.
He has extensive background of more than 20 years in technical management roles, and product and applications development. He is used to work in international environments, with communication and team organization skills.
In 2019 he joined the team of Royal Diamond as Technical Manager to lead the department, improving current processes and following-up all customer needs at technical level.
Personally he defines himself as a passionate about music, cinema, travel and sports like skiing, cycling and swimming.